See What Our Clients are Saying


Kent G., Divisional Sales Manager
“As a divisional sales manager for the past 11 years and has been in the financial services business for 25 years, I find Steve’s 2-3-1 process foundational in improving professional salespeople. 
The 2-3-1 allows me to train salespeople around a structure that works.  It is a process that allows the seller and the buyer to succeed together because it all built around the idea of trust.  Steve makes clear why you want and need to execute each step in the process.   Each step of the 2-3-1 makes sense, therefore the salesperson will use the process successfully.  As a sales manager, I recommend going through the training, because you and your team will improve as a result.” 
Chris S., Regional Vice President
“This process has been the biggest game-changer in my career. Ultimately, the 2-3-1 process has given me the tools to shorten the sales cycle in a simplified manner to help build strong outcomes for clients.”
Pete N., Regional Vice President

“This process has been the biggest game-changer in my career. Ultimately, the 2-3-1 process has given me the tools to shorten the sales cycle in a simplified manner to help build strong outcomes for clients.”
– Chris S., Regional Vice President
John Hancock

“Steve’s 2-3-1 Sales Process training elevated my team’s business to an entirely new level. Upon completion of our training, we have uncovered new business relationships, strengthened current relationships, and most of all, increased our market share and our sales volume significantly since completing Steve’s 2-3-1 program. My team would strongly recommend connecting with Steve, especially if you are looking for a coach to help you sharpen up your business building capabilities, relationship management, lead generation, and sales process.”

Don H., Regional Vice President

“I’m happy to announce that the big trade I anticipated came into the territory yesterday. $1,000,100 yesterday., he instantly became a million-dollar producer and he used three funds over 100k to expand the brand. Not bad for my first appointment using 2-3-1.”

Brian T., Wholesaler

“The  2.3.1 success came from powering through multiple “ objections “and asking more questions to get to a pain point and eventually lead him to think about the idea of making a change that would benefit his clients.”

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